Mia Miller resume

  • Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Brown

    Voice: Mezzo w/ Belt

    Height: 5’4”

  • Thoroughly Modern Millie | Cora | Mt. Vernon Theatre

    42nd Street | Phyllis Dale | Mt. Vernon Theatre

  • The Institute for American Musical Theatre

    Training program for dance, voice, and acting

    Dance Training

    Theatre: Nicholas Cunningham, Lizz Picini, Richard J. Hinds,

    Ballet: Ted Keener

    Modern: Briana Reed

    Jazz Funk: Lindsay Lancaster

    Tap: Deanna Doyle, Kammie Crum

    Contemporary: Wes Krukow

    Hip Hop: Jonathon Lee

    Voice Training

    Katy Pfaffl, Tonna Miller

    Acting Training

    Michael Minarik, Jenny DiNoia

    Film and TV: Dee Roscioli


    Merri Sugarman, Gayle Seay, Rachel Hoffman, Scott Wojcik

    Elite Performing Arts Academy


    Dance Training

    Advanced training in Ballet, Jazz, Theatre Dance, Contemporary, Lyrical, Tap, and Modern

  • Ballets:

    Beauty and the Beast | Lefou | Elite Performing Arts Academy

    Alice and Wonderland | Elite Performing Arts Academy

    Coppelia | Elite Performing Arts Academy

    Cinderella | Elite Performing Arts Academy


    Joffery Ballet School’s Musical Theatre Summer Intensive

    The Broadway Collective

    Hello Broadway

    Walt Disney World Workshops


    When Fear is a Raging Bull | Yaa Samar! Dance Theatre

    Walt Disney World Performances | Elite Performing Arts Academy


    Dance Teacher and Choreographer: 5 years of experience teaching and choreographing solo and group dances to students ranging in ages from 6-15

  • Mickey Mouse Impression

    Dance Instructor

    MELT Instructor

    Great with Children

    Jumping Rope


    Valid Driver’s License